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Icloud888 @ 03/08/2015
Small steps in the morning to hill top Once brown field wiped away like a dream Smiling green meadow greets all life Pocketful of spring air brought I 清晨細步訪山丘 枯寒無蹤疑還夢 滿山綠意踏柳蔭 拈花惹草拾初春
Icloud888 @ 02/27/2015
金角灣,左邊是舊城,還可以看到拜占庭帝國建築的防禦圍牆,他們當初如果知道厚厚的圍牆抵擋不住歷史的洪流,大概也不會耗費那麼多的人力和物資吧。 電纜車上,年輕人雙眼盯著他們的智慧型手機,似乎早已忘了他們的
Icloud888 @ 02/21/2015
米蘭青年宿舍,一盤冷沙拉自己渡過了2015 的除夕夜,物質是缺乏的,心靈卻是富足的。
Icloud888 @ 02/21/2015
Icloud888 @ 02/21/2015
The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is one of the world's oldest shopping malls. Housed within a four-story double arcade in central Milan. It's a rainy day, wet and cold. I am trapped in here, the last day of Milan. 埃馬努埃萊二世長廊是是一個帶頂棚的拱廊街,歐洲最漂亮的商
Icloud888 @ 02/15/2015
駕言出遊訪仙蹤 漫無涯際尋半我 異域寒風冷無情, 夜半不知身何處。 解箱關箱踏古城 台伯河畔綠水靜 車窗後退別羅馬 隻字片語報平安
Icloud888 @ 02/03/2015
雷加萊拉莊園(Quinta da Regaleira),位於Sintra 歷史中心附近。作為辛特拉文 化景觀的一部分被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產. Quinta da Regaleira is an estate located near the historic center of Sintra, Portugal. It's classified as a World Heritage Site b
Icloud888 @ 02/03/2015
陌生的城市,遠遠的十字架,心中的一股暖流,吸引了我渡船,以為對岸就能找 到,所以沒有問人,就往上走,沒想到前後走了三個多小時才找到,里斯本人避過 二次大戰的災難,由於感恩,樹立了巨大耶穌像,就這樣,祂
Icloud888 @ 02/02/2015
Fado I don't remember If Portugal went through any sad historic devastating events other than earthquakes. Fado, the Portugal sad folk songs sounded disheartened. Of course, I didn't understand a word she was singing. I bribed the waiter to write down her name and the names of the songs she
Icloud888 @ 01/30/2015
西班牙以前農民工人工作天午休時,面對很大的挑戰,口袋裏的錢不多,要決定買酒還是午餐,結果他們情願餓肚子而選擇酒, 結果空腹喝的醉醺醺且沒力氣工作,生產效率太爛,,所以國王規定酒吧賣酒時,必須提供免費餐
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